Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lab 6: Project Exploratory and Non-parametric Sys ID

Team 5

Daniel Dimoski
Colin Foe-Parker
Ramya Iyer

1) Compare theoretical and experimental frequency response plots by placing traces on the same axes. Show these for you your low-pass Filter.

2) Document the makeup and construction of your system of interest in schematics, block diagrams, drawings, pictures, and words.

We decided not to embroil ourselves in the nightmare of serial communications with the Arduino. Instead we took the high, and oft just as frustrating road of using LabView. We set up a .vi that would output a sinusoid with noise while simultaneously reading in one analog channel using the Daq. (Look at figure 1) Additionally we used Advance Motion Control's 12A8 analog amplifier in voltage control mode. (Sadly, all we used the Arduino for was a 5V reference supply)We initially attempted using the H-bridge provided in class using a square wave output. However, labview was being tempermental and refused to update the duty cycle in any interval other than 10%.... Which would provide too granular of an input for our needs.

Figure 1: VI Backpanel view

The Physical wiring of our system was pretty simple. The hardest part was trying to figure out what channels corresponded to which pins on the Daq. Additionally, we did the experiment over a couple day period... so every time we would leave someone would take our setup apart. And the Daq or our redone wiring never seemed to behave quite as it had before until we either restarted the computer or fiddled with connections for half an hour...
We tested the white noise principle on two separate systems. System 1 was a RC lowpass circuit. Since it had no moving parts we thought that it would be easier to generate a valid and repeatable system id. Please look at Figure 2 for wiring guides... After that test we moved onto a real system.... the fader motor. An interesting thing occured though.... When exciting it with a sinusoid, the motor tended to pick new locations to vibrate around at each frequency. We attempted to rerun the system until we got a uniform center point. However, that was not really possible. This can explain why our data does not behave quite as expected. This result is a function of limitiations of the system.

Figure 2: Arduino as a 5V reference.... ooooooh awwww

Video1: Test of the RC Signal.... Pretty boring. Just a sinusoid

Video 2: Test of the Fader Motor. .
3) Show your experimental frequency response plot for your system of interest. If a parametric model can be fit to the data, show this parametric model with an additional set of traces on the same axes.

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